Wednesday, October 29, 2008

VOTE '08

MOVEMENT is not taking sides in this years presidential election or endorsing any candidate, but with just one week to go before the day that will in many ways change the world the one stance the magazine will certainly firmly take is that it is imperative that every eligible person must get out and vote! If you think your candidate is either a sure winner, or the under dog, no race is over until the last ballot is counted and if you listen to the media chatter and become complacent that your candidate is either a sure winner or looser and sit this election out because of it then do not be surprised if the end result is quite different from what you'd expect. Next Tuesday will prove to be the most important days in recent history and we insist that every voter must do their part to make sure the American system works and every vote is cast! If you fear the predicted long lines on Tuesday you could opt to vote early like the MOVEMENT crew did, however you do it, by next Tuesday evening wherever you do... VOTE!